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Memorial Service

Sundays 11:10am-12:20pm


The Memorial Service is our primary focus for meeting together each Sunday. It is a time for

meditation and reflection. Hymns are sung, prayers are offered and God’s Word is expounded

upon. The focal point of this service, called “the breaking of bread” is modeled after the

example found in the Bible where Jesus shared a last meal with his disciples before his

crucifixion. While they were gathered together Jesus took bread, offered a prayer of thanks and

divided it amongst the disciples. This is my body, he said; do this as often as you meet

together to remember me. After the meal he took a cup of wine, offered a prayer of thanks

and said, this is the blood of the new covenant, shed for you, do this in remembrance of me. The

disciples understood that this meal is representative of Jesus’ sacrifice.

After Jesus death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, the disciples met regularly on the first

day of the week (Acts 20:7) and remembered Jesus in the way he commanded. Following this

example, members of the Christadelphian body meet each first day of the week, to remember and rededicate our lives to Jesus through the breaking of bread and reflection of his sacrifice.

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